We can help get your child ready to play with comprehensive physical exams!

When it’s time to go back-to-school or camp, or register for sports teams, many students are required to have a physical examination. Our walk-in centers provide physicals as required for school, camp, and sports programs.

Back to School Physicals

Many school districts require an annual exam before your child attends classes. A school physical exam not only evaluates how your child is developing, but also makes sure he or she is up to date with vaccinations and immunizations.

The exam will vary by the child’s age, but our provider will review your child’s medical and family health history; evaluate vision, joints, and muscles; check your child’s heart, lungs, eyes, ears, nose, and throat; as well as record height, weight, blood pressure, pulse, and body mass index (BMI).

Sports & Camp Physicals

A sports pre-participation physical exam includes health history review; physical exam; sports safety and education tips when needed; completion of required forms for participation.

Be sure to bring any paperwork or forms required for sports participation and activities: any eyeglasses or contacts your child may wear; and a list of any medications your child takes.

Let us help ensure your child is physically ready to take on school, camp, and the opponent!